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MMA - Superhuman Battleground bout card for 23rd July fight night announced

THE FULL FIGHT CARD for Superhuman Battleground's upcoming MMA event has been announced.

This will be the Manipal-based promotion's second MMA card, and the third combat sports event overall.

The fight card will be held at Manipal's Superhuman Gym on 23rd July. It will feature a total of 20 fights (10 in the preliminary card, 10 in the main card) across eight weight categories.

Check out the full fight card of the event below...

Main Card

67 kg - Niranjan Phanjoubam vs Sahil Dewan Sharma
61 kg - Ashutosh Singh vs Pawan Ganiga
103 kg - Ajit Negi vs Gaganpal Singh
56.7 kg - Abhi Gowda vs TBD
75 kg - Naveen Kumar vs Krishnashis
65 kg - Nayan Bordoloi vs Kesavan
56.7 kg - Harshit vs Sonaksh Rawat
70 kg - Harsha vs Akshay Madhu
61 kg - Prajwal S vs Vyshnavu E
56.7 kg - Aryan vs Shnehith Ravi Kumar

Preliminary Card

75 kg - Arjun K vs Krishnashish
65 kg - Nitin Kumar vs Sohan
65 kg - Shawn vs Akbar Sha
65 kg - Prajwal Reddy vs Belliyappa
63 kg - Arju Poojary vs Pratik Patil
65 kg - Danish vs Arnold
56.7 kg - Akash vs Roshan
70 kg - Husnain vs Pritesh
70 kg - Manjunath vs Rahman
75 kg - Niyan Anvas vs Nikhil Muthukrishnan

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